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fairygodmotherfckr t1_j60sy7c wrote

I'm secretly in one with my husband. He doesn't know yet.

He's reading a list that is several hundred books long, and the first book he mentioned to me sounded really good. So I'm reading it too. I'd like to read of them and bounce ideas off of him and vice versa, it would be fun.

But I'll see how he responds to having a member in his club.

EDIT: husband is reading novels which evoke aspects of the history and current character of every nation in the world, A-Z.

This is partially just to read some fiction, he reads a lot of grim reports for his work... but it's also to help him better understand the world, since his field is in human rights and geopolitics.

I told him I was doing this, in general we're trying to find more times to hang out as a couple now that our kid is in nursery, and he was touched.

But he's way ahead of me - I think he might be on the Bs - but I'm currently reading A General Theory of Oblivion.

I highly recommend it.


NewAlternative4738 t1_j61l6ww wrote

Lol my husband and I also have a two person book club! My husband is aware we’re in a book club, but it’s a little quirky. We declare where we are in the book when we’re ready for “book club.” Then the other person says when they’ve caught up. Then we discuss whatever exciting, shocking, non-sensical event occurred. We have a lot of fun with it


Tortuga917 t1_j63hay7 wrote

My wife and i started a Covid book club just the two of us back in 2020 and haven't stopped. We choose a book to read, make an easy reading schedule (20-30 pages a day usually. We both read other things too). Then, when we have both read that day, we discuss, predict, etc. It's wonderful!