Submitted by gtmtushar2000 t3_10mv2qy in books

"I love books. I love that moment when you open one and sink into it. You can escape from the world, into a story that's way more interesting than yours ever will be." - Elizabeth Scott

After school-life was over I lost contact with all my friends. Had no friends in college. Bullying and some other things happened which resulted in me completely shutting myself off from people. Left college and starter graduation online. Was feeling lonely. My mind was flooded with countless thoughts at one moment and completely blank - void - the next monent. I don't know how or why but one day I just had a thought that I should read; I had nothing better to do and if Iike it I'll continue.

Reading/Fiction saved me from my thoughts. Its been 6 years since then. I don't claim to be a changed man. I still don't confide my thoughts to anybody (except for a selcted few people). But I am no longer negative towards my life. I am thankful to everyone and everything that shaped me in what I am today.



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Wolfidy t1_j65fhff wrote

I like to counter with ‘what do you get out of watching TV?’


InvisibleSpaceVamp t1_j65u7gj wrote

What do you get from reading books? People seriously ask this? Well, what do they get from watching movies or sports or playing games or listening to music or doing social media stuff? We all have our favorite entertainments, shouldn't this be obvious?


owlsnatch3r t1_j65oi2n wrote

I love this post, thank you for sharing. I work to extricate myself from the root causes of suffering. If you are motivated out of fear and you're caught in suffering, the way you act toward others conveys that fear apart from what you want to convey. You're transmitting your fear and your suffering. In this way, the work on one’s self is the greatest gift we can give to the world. Choosing to love through the experience of suffering gives One the greatest understandings of love. That said, I’m very happy that you have changed your mindset and that books were the method to help you achieve that change in perspective.❤️

Books are beautiful in that way, and I too find immense beauty in the soft, silent quietness of reading. Experiences no matter the method or modality when looked at from the purposeful good that it is, takes one’s breath away in the shear wonder of it all. You my friend are a beautiful unique expression, keep that truth close to you. Many blessings to you, friend. Namaste 🙏😊


hopelesslxve t1_j65z7cs wrote

damn. what do they get out of social media, out of listening to music, out of playing sports? they get serotonin, as we do. such a dumb question in my opinion. i’m really happy that you’re feeling better <33


CyberAssassinSRB t1_j668ny4 wrote

What do i get from books?

If they are theory, knowledge, that one is easy.

If it's fiction then it's the same as some more artistic video games and movies. I get to immerse myself into a new world, a new experience created by someone more creative than me. They make me think, imagine and live trough these stories. Out of all of them, the best are the ones that i can connect to my life. Maybe i won't ever fight a norse god, but i can live through a feeling of connecting with my father. Of parting ways with a lifelong friend, maybe a soulmate. Those kinds of books are the one that stick to me the most.


HailTheMoose t1_j66zadl wrote

I don't know if I get anything out of it really other then happiness. It connects me to people, it gives me a place to imagine and loss myself in, it relaxes me anytime I sink in. And when I do go for a non fiction book it fills me with knowledge.


Kind_Factor_9897 t1_j67z4n0 wrote

I grew up from one shitty situation to the next, since we werent aloud much TV at the children's home I read a lot, an it took me away from the bordem or whatever an now I use reading to forget my traumas an the horrors of day to day life I do everything in my power to forget even if it's for a fleeting moment an books n some hardcore heavy metal do just that


Mcflyyyyyy t1_j68e3tj wrote

Glad it got you through some tough times. I love reading and it's helped me heaps too.