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trickster-is-weak t1_j4zg20c wrote

Yeah, I wish someone had actually taught what these sections mean at school. Many people know how to read, far fewer know how to enjoy reading.

Sometimes I think these things purposely have mini-spoilers that the author condones. For example, if the author feels they have left some deeper clues to a plot point that are missed, these prefaces can draw the readers attention. My logic for this is they aren’t usually the grand finale spoiler.

Personally, I find most books more enjoyable on subsequent readings when I know the plot and I can be impressed with how it unravels and the author has layers the groundwork. In situations where I’m struggling with something particular dense or prosaic, I’ll sometimes read a plot summary so I can just enjoy the beauty of the language.

I remember reading something about Grapes of Wrath (I don’t think it was actually Steinbeck being interviewed) where they were talking about the vignettes acting like broad landscapes that need painting before placing the characters in them. I’ll try and find a link if I can.


Alaira314 t1_j53omyq wrote

> Personally, I find most books more enjoyable on subsequent readings when I know the plot and I can be impressed with how it unravels and the author has layers the groundwork.

This is the premise behind the pro-spoiler movement, backed up by an actual study. Apparently, science has concluded that, on average, it very much is a thing. However. It is not true for every single person. I personally find it differently enjoyable. There's a joy in the discovery, and a joy in the re-treading, and they're not the same thing. I can get the latter any time I want by doing a re-read or re-watch, but being robbed of the former means I can never experience it.

It's all about giving people agency. Tag the spoilers so people can decide for themselves what they want their experience to be, you know? Don't make choices on behalf of other people based on what "science says" is best for them.