Submitted by AltrisG_Idf t3_10fwfj5 in books

Do you remember the text and descriptions or the imagery you formed in your head while reading? Was there ever a point where the visuals you imagined were so vivid that you get confused if what you remember it from was a book or a visual medium? This happens to me sometimes, since I would remember a scene but not the entire work as a whole. Like when you sometimes get confused if something you remember was an actual memory or a dream.



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LeftHandBandito_ t1_j4zavxc wrote

I'm a very visual person. When reading, I can see what's being described, so when recalling something i've read I can see it clearly as if it was a movie or tv show I watched.


locolupo t1_j4zck2l wrote

I recall images usually. Unless I'm thinking of specific quotes. When I enjoy a book I stop seeing text and it's almost like a day dream.


Wurunzimu t1_j5029ef wrote

Text, atmosphere, emotions. No images. I do not form 'images' in my mind while reading, I'm just reading words.


hopscotch_uitwaaien t1_j50fq7g wrote

The location of the text on the page.


norfollk t1_j52amua wrote

Haha, yes! I rarely ever remember the exact words but if a scene sticks with me I recall approximately where it is on the page alongside some of the "imagery". (In quotes because it's not actual visuals that I recall so much as feelings that a certain thing/person/place was there).

I used to rely on this instead of bookmarks to find my place in a book.


lilfingerlaughatyou t1_j4zevkb wrote

I remember the scene like a movie or advanced VR game with smell, touch etc, unless there was a line of text or design element in the book so striking that it stuck in my mind, in which case I remember both simultaneously. I read a lot of kids' books though, and any illustrations will override my imagination.


HumanTea t1_j4zqhjw wrote

Imagery, is it different for other people?


spaghoni t1_j4zr1ha wrote

It's visual. AAMOF, sometimes I recall things that I read as a kid and I have a hard time remembering whether it was a book or movie.


mielleah t1_j50040e wrote

I recall images, and most of the time, it would be clear images to the point like I've been there myself but when I was reading that scene it wasn't even that clear.


PendwinHeart t1_j501213 wrote

As someone with aphantasia, I recall the text.


AbbyM1968 t1_j50518o wrote

When I remember something from a book, I remember the words. "Teasing him about it was a corporate pass time the rest of the year." From, The Cat Who Robbed a Bank by Lilian Jackson Braun.


LeafBoatCaptain t1_j5089hk wrote

Like scenes from a movie but more immersive.