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retread2017 t1_j6eb4v9 wrote

Catcher In the Rye is a book that breathes loneliness. No, it's not a comfortable read, but it was never meant to be. Layered over the top of this reality are issues related to profanity, dishonesty, atheism, alcoholism, sexual promiscuity, and homosexuality. Meaning-human society. Believe it or not, at one time (1978) it was banned in some schools in Washington that tagged it as subversive (communism). Other bans were attempted in 1963 for whatever...Although the book was written for adults, it has most often been a teaching tool in high schools. Holden's gray hair on one side of his head has been thought to symbolize his growth from innocence toward a mature adult. The book leaves open both questions of innocence and maturity for Holden and other characters.