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ackthisisamess OP t1_j6gjgwd wrote

I was wondering what you thought about Utopia Avenue? I have not read it yet and was curious on what others thought, as well as if it shares some similarities with Bone clocks and/or ghostwritten?


surells t1_j6h7ns3 wrote

It's probably closer to Bone Clocks, but there's much less magic for most of the book, and the narrative is quite straight forward. I liked it a lot; it's very well written and the characters are charming and have strong voices. The magic comes in quite naturally and had some great links for previous books that made me excited to see what he'll do with this world in the future. It's focused on the musical scene in Britain and the US in the 60s. Mitchell writes about music and people that love music really well. My only criticism would be it did sometimes feel the characters were randomly running into famous musicians early in their careers a bit too much. It started to feel like a Simpsons episode where they all shout "Tony Hawk!? What are you doing here!?" But it didn't ruin the book for me.