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somuchfeels t1_j6ck0pd wrote

Kind of related- I’ve been thinking about Utopia Avenue all day. I just read Daisy Jones and the Six, which was a totally okay book, but just not as impactful to me as Utopia Avenue with really similar subject matter. I loved when the Bone Clocks characters (can’t remember who) show up in Utopia and it made me want to reread it. David Mitchell is definitely underrated!


ethanvyce t1_j6esfff wrote

Utopia is such a good story, love how he mixes real people in


ackthisisamess OP t1_j6gjofo wrote

Glad to hear you liked it! I have yet to read Utopia Avenue and I was wondering whether it incorporates lots of magical elements/is similar in style to Ghostwritten and/or Bone Clocks?