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ChickenDragon123 OP t1_j6ahh6v wrote

See paragraph 3. Yeah Haven has some good guys, Manticore has some bad guys, but when the chips are down these characters are either textually "good" or textually "bad" regardless of what side they are on. At least if they are alive. There are no (for example) Tyrion Lannisters, no Mabs. There are np guys that are on their own side. They all fit neatly into one of four boxes Manticore Good, Manticore Bad, Haven Good, Haven Bad. They aren't allowed their own motivations, or if they are they fit in the bad category because they aren't patriots. That's what leads to them feeling flat. Manticore good is ride or die Manticore. Manticore Bad is "this is what will best fit my personal political ambitions and screw Manticore for the long term." There isn't any nuance between them.