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Nollatron t1_j1vbt29 wrote

Mine isn’t very exciting but as a non reader. I genuinely don’t think I have finished a book since high school 20 years ago. I am aiming for 1 book a month. Just sci-fi books as that’s my interest. Wish me luck.


boxer_dogs_dance t1_j1wdemf wrote

I highly recommend r/printsf for inspiration and help picking good ones.


TheSiegmeyerCatalyst t1_j2bt3ke wrote

I was the same way after high school. It wasn't until I was graduated from college with a full time job that I finally tried getting back into it.

It was slow going at first. I did short stories (HP Lovecraft mostly), but still barely read more than a few pages a night.

It wasn't until I picked up The Martian on a whim in 2021 that I just fell back in love with reading. I did 6 books that same year, up from 0 the previous 10 years. I'm 2022 I squeezed in 17.

My only resolution is just to keep reading and keep enjoying it. One a month is a great place to start, especially reading a little each night before bed. I hope you find that one book or series that just unlocks the passion in you again!


BulbousBeluga t1_j29q6a8 wrote

What are some of your favorites that you remember reading?


petrichor1969 t1_j2a4mlc wrote

Highly recommend anything by Neal Stephenson, especially Anathem, which deserves to become a classic.