Submitted by RevolutionaryYou441 t3_zx454a in books

I just finished The War of Art by Stephen Pressfield and my mind was blown. A lot of us read voraciously because we are artists and creators ourselves. With that comes the familiar (and seemingly unavoidable) writer’s/artist’s block and procrastination.

Pressfield calls it “resistance.” I noticed that naming your adversary often strips it of its power.

The book gives a framework to view and defeat this foe.

If you’re a creator, this book is a must!



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ULTRA1867 t1_j1yiya0 wrote

Reading it now. I'm not a creator but I'm finding lessons about using resistance as my compass for the next right move. If I feel great resistance I know it's the right thing to do and will lead to the greatest results.


None_4All t1_j1ysmhr wrote

I have not but I've read one of his many masterpieces - The Gates of Fire. Truly great.

I'll read it again.


RevolutionaryYou441 OP t1_j20kg4i wrote

Very nice. In this one he talks of the resistance he experienced when working on his first non-fiction book.


RichMusic81 t1_j20fvui wrote

It's one the books I reccomend most often.

Also, don't forget to read the other two books in the "trilogy": Do the Work and Turning Pro.


RevolutionaryYou441 OP t1_j20kt8b wrote

Very nice. I’ve got Turning Pro in my line up. I’m excited to read it. Who do you find yourself recommending these books to most often?


RichMusic81 t1_j20n0hv wrote

I'm a composer (and mod at r/composer), so it tends to be people struggling with motivation, productivity, and "writer's block".

It's a book I quote from often.


Vifti t1_j20sihu wrote

Can you name some practical tips (found from the book) that you will now on use in your own journey?


[deleted] t1_j21f086 wrote

It's on my bookshelf gathering dust - thanks for the motivation to pick it up!!


BulkSmashAll t1_j24diyl wrote

My favorite of his is Nobody Wants to Read Your Sh*t. I’ve read it a couple of times and find it strangely inspiring and grounding as well. I am currently reading his The Artist’s Journey.