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SSSS_car_go t1_j2a1ept wrote

You’re a brave soul. I can’t read it without my eyes glazing over, and I used to work as a backstage dresser (costumes) in a professional theater that did mostly Shakespeare, so I’ve listened to some of the plays dozens and dozens of times because the theater plays them over the PA system for actors waiting for their cues in the Green Room. And my bf at the time was one of the lead actors, and would recite long passages to me, and me getting just a glimmer of sense despite my college degrees.

Why not start at a very simple level and read Sparks notes, or retelling for younger people, or other summaries so you will be familiar with what the heck is going on, and then gradually read passages in the actual plays. There are also free online classes, like these at Coursera that would help you understand his work.

It’s not just that the language is archaic, or that about 1,700 of the words he used were his own creation—it’s also pertinent that the stories he was retelling were already familiar to his audience, but are less familiar today. (Source that he was, with few exceptions, retelling old tales here.)