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disciples_of_dissent t1_j26zo4t wrote

Not everybody is going to like certain works of art. You are fully justified to not like that book. I've read it, and I thought it was OK. My daughter read it and loved it. I'll use the movie Star Wars as an example. Many people love the original movies, but some (a minority) absolutely hate them. That's OK. Different strokes for different folks.


mortuarybarbue OP t1_j27059f wrote

This is true. I do love all the star wars stuff. Im usually easy to please but this book made me sad. I guess I'll be happy for all those who love it and especially all those who made it IMO a better musical.


LadyHamlet213 t1_j27kvck wrote

This! People need to acknowledge that different people have different tastes, and that everyone's taste is valid, regardless of the popular opinion.