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mybestfriendsrricers t1_j0n8s76 wrote

You must mean a Trade paperback! Mass market paperbacks are usually not the best.
Trade paperbacks are awesome! :)


zugzwang11 t1_j0p7nya wrote

I tend to prefer mass market paperbacks. They fit in my hands better


swirlygates t1_j0qvuu2 wrote

The mass market paperback is the GOAT book format for me. Portability. Is. Key. And I like how the pages get a little crispy.


zugzwang11 t1_j0qw7hu wrote

And for me just. Fun nostalgia of reading Star Wars mass market paperbacks all through school. I just like how they feel. And love the price


EdBeatle t1_j0rmjjv wrote

As someone who has sweaty hands the only inconvenience of the format is that I hate getting my books wet from sweat and having the pages turn yellow. Big issue for me so trade paperback is my go since it’s a middle point in comfort when holding and portability.


ithadtobeducks t1_j0suum4 wrote

I feel like they’re harder to find than they used to be, in favor of trade paperbacks. I miss being able to find just about any fantasy novel in a mass market edition!


zugzwang11 t1_j0tvgc7 wrote

Hard agree. My guess is because ebooks tend to be cheaper. But I just want to go into the SFF section and pick up a brick of a paperback