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Snksstrt2snG t1_j2bo7xl wrote

A lot of poems a d short stories but this is what I got during my hoghschool years.

Grade 9 Romeo and Juliet (okay) (Mostly read short stories and poems)

Grade 10 Midsummers Nights Dream (pretty good) Animal Farm (found boring) Lord of The Flies (good but not great)

Grade 11 Macbeth ( I was expecting more I guess) Wuthering Heights ( i tried rereading this earlier this year, it's been 9 years, and I couldn't get through nothings changed) The Stone Angel ( really good Canadian Lit)

Grade 12 The Kite Runner ( one of my top 10 ever) Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption ( never fully got through it but liked what read)