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lotlcs t1_ixq6cf7 wrote

Thought it was great, absolutely hate most discussions of it though. Because it just boils down to ''DAE holden spoiled, whiny annoying??'' which I honestly can get if your only reading of it was a 16 y.o. high schooler, but for some incomprehensible reason that are adults that reach the same conclusion.

You don't have to like him nor the book, I think Salinger was very aware that Holden would not come off as a likable character (shocker that good writers knows a good novel doesn't need a likable character) and if his writing doesn't appeal to you it's fair and just a matter of taste at that point. However, does Salinger need to beat you over the head with the reasons Holden acts the way he does?

I just cannot imagine reading hearing about someone was traumatized as he is and in the midst of a breakdown and identity crisis, and somehow go ''whiny brat''. I know you're a teenager, you were sexually abused, you lost your younger brother, you witnessed a classmate kill himself, you had hints of suicidal thoughts, you were betrayed and almost molested by one of the few people you thought you could trust -- all as a teenager by the way -- but man I don't like your average teenager attitude so you're just a whiny spoiled brat I guess..

Easiest to spot red flag with someone as a reader is just mentioning this book or Holden and see what they say.


web_head91 t1_ixql1wo wrote

Thing is, Catcher is my favorite book and usually whenever I mention it to someone, they get all animated and say, "I HATE that book!" I ask them why and they can never, ever give details to support their opinion. They usually say, "I read it in high school, all I remember is how much I hated it". I'm in my 30's and all my friends are 30's/40's. Which means people cling to their hatred of this book, for a reason they can't even remember, for literal decades.

In the rare case I actually meet someone who is familiar with the book, they like it. But yes, your comment about just mentioning the book to people can be a good indication of what they're like as a reader.