Submitted by AutoModerator t3_z7pob8 in books

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[deleted] t1_iy7s1u9 wrote

How do you deal with the book-movie thing?

Now I think that between you there are other people that like both movies and books and so I'm asking how do you manage it. I'll explain: I keep a list of movies I want to watch and that's pretty long while with books I've a short list of titles or authors (consuming a movies is much faster than books). So for example right now I'd like to get into Philipp K. Dick books but I have some movies on my list that are adaptations of his work (Minority Report, Total Recall...). Now I'll start with some that don't have a movie adaptation (The Man on the High Castle, Ubik) but then how would you move?


okiegirl22 t1_iy7yj1d wrote

(The Man in the High Castle does have a TV series adaptation, just FYI, ha ha!)

Generally I’m a book first, movie second kind of person. I figure that way I have the same background knowledge that the filmmakers did and I can appreciate how the material is being adapted, and I dislike spoilers for my books.

But, I also don’t watch movies very often. So it’s easy for me to keep up with reading the books first. I think you just have to figure out how important it is (or if it’s important at all) for you to have read the book before watching the movie. Then either read the books first or don’t, whichever will work for you!


[deleted] t1_iy7ywti wrote

>(The Man in the High Castle does have a TV series adaptation, just FYI, ha ha!)

I know, I'm not really into TV series tho

>I figure that way I have the same background knowledge that the filmmakers did and I can appreciate how the material is being adapted

That's an interesting point of view!


unlovelyladybartleby t1_iy8iudx wrote

I do book first and then movie unless the book is the novelization of the movie, then it goes second. I'm such a nerd that I have the books of stuff like the star wars movies (which actually answered some questions for me as the books contain "deleted scenes" lol).

I prefer to imagine the characters my own way instead of seeing them all Hollywood perfect (skinny, perfect teeth and hair, usually white rolls eyes)


FuntivityColton t1_iy8fsa7 wrote

The Past Few Years I've Made a Goal of Reading 24 Books. This Year I'm Only Reading The VERY BEST Books. I Want To Dive Deep & Really Soak These Books In. Where Can I Find Free Online Classes Teaching About These Phenomenal Literary Works?

As the title states, I'm looking for teaching resources on literary works. The past few years I set a goal to read 24 books. I've completed that and some I like and some I fly through and just are OK. I've decided that next year I only want to read THE BEST literary works out there. There is too much 'noise' out there and I'm going to only consume the best media available. There are too many books, too many podcasts, too many streaming services & shows/movies to watch them all. It's exhausting! Next year, I'm going to only consume the best of the best. Only whats really worth my time. I want to really dig deep into these books and learn more after I finish rather than closing the last chapter and immediately opening the next book. I understand that many people write their whole dissertations on some of these topics. Where can I go to dig deeper and really understand the literary significance of these works?

My list for next year includes:

War and Peace

The Odyssey

The Brothers Karamazov

Master and Margarita

The Sun Also Rises

Robinson Crusoe

East of Eden

Grapes of Wrath

To Kill A Mocking Bird


Romeo and Juliet


The Holy Bible

Any others I should add that should trump something on this list?

ps sorry for formatting. Copied & pasted from somewhere else.


okiegirl22 t1_iy9tr5z wrote

Book suggestion requests should be posted on our weekly recommendation thread (which posts on Fridays) or over in r/SuggestMeABook.


FuntivityColton t1_iy9u3ch wrote

I posted this elsewhere and mods told me to post it in this thread. The purpose of this question is not book recommendations but LEARNING recommendations. Please read my post again


okiegirl22 t1_iya1if5 wrote

Your request for “Any others I should add that should trump something on this?” sounds like a request for specific books, so my comment was just intended as a reminder that book suggestion requests go elsewhere. The rest of your comment is fine for this thread!


FuntivityColton t1_iya1vfp wrote I need to delete it because of that one line at the end???


Emotional_Scholar_98 t1_iy81629 wrote

Do you recommend reading the Lonesome Dove series in order of release or chronological order?


boxer_dogs_dance t1_iy8rnmb wrote

My best ever selection also includes Death of Ivan Ilyich, Animal Farm, 1984, Death of a Salesman, Count of Monte Cristo


lolabunnylb t1_iyaez8i wrote

Has anyone read The Ringmaster's Daughter from Jostein Gaarder? If so, what do you think about the book? I have read it during my teenage years, so a long time ago, kind of liked it as I could relate with the main character in terms of having great ideas but can not act on them or use them as don't have the skillset or patience. But I wasn't sure about the story (not going to say why as it'll be a spoiler). Asking now because it somehow stuck with me. Never forgot that book. Will definitely read it again to with my current mindset and experience to make up my mind about it. Wondering what do you think about it?


Lucky_Strawberry_185 t1_iycgq78 wrote

Hello everyone, I'm from somewhere in Southeast asia region. How can I purchase books digitally from online platforms like Amazon kindle? But Amazon doesn't support all books as kindle version. The books cannot be found open access sites like project gutenberg or pirate websites. So, where can I purchase all released books (especially published in US, UK & EU). Is it possible to purchase all books as ebooks? I actually need to buy books digitally on online platforms like websites. Due to the unavailability of Paypal in my country, any other payment option is fine. Hence please help me how can I do! Sorry for my bad english


Baymax613 t1_iye907t wrote

Recently got into Blake Crouch and have read upgrade and recursion. I went to look on the kindle store for more books and saw Abandon is coming out in January but there are 1000s of reviews some are quite old. Why is this saying coming in January when from what I can tell it has been out for a number of years?