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Little_Noodles t1_ixrnt3q wrote

Mieville is an always read for me, but can be hit or miss.

City and the City is the strongest standalone work, imo, which I don’t think is an unpopular one.

But you’re onto something about his strengths - Mieville’s best stuff is actually where there’s room to sprawl a bit into world building. Look into the Bas Lag series.

I’m fully on board with like, half his standalone novels and novellas, and the others were fine.

He also does short stories well.


1willprobablydelete t1_ixsj48r wrote

He's on of my favorite authors although I agree he is a bit hit or miss. I give him extra credit, since he doesn't fall into a cookie cutter pattern in his books, they are all something different. I think my favorites are the first two Bas Lag books and Kraken


Little_Noodles t1_ixsjd4b wrote

Kraken was actually a miss for me.

But being part of pioneering a new genre will, by default involve some lesser works. Like I said, it’s an always-read.