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esoquesobueno t1_iy9gdk2 wrote

I read way faster than I listen but I feel like I get more into the world building with audiobooks.

Plus it allows me to still enjoy books even if my eyes are strained or need a hot compress due to MGD.

For similar reasons I get details or theories I maybe never considered reading the books. (Spoilers for Harry Potter)

>!I never really understood why people hated Harry so much for being emotional or whiny or easily upset since it seemed like aside from being a teen, but they did seem to all start bickering a lot more especially in book 5 onward. Then it occurred to me: Duh. Not only are they teens, Harry is a literal horcrux. Same as carrying the locket. Of course… I also hated the “accidental horcrux” bit given it’s supposed to be really complicated but “his soul was so fragile by that point.” But somehow he kept killing other people afterward without accidentally making more? But fine, whatever. From the end of 4 onward, Harry has an inseparable horcrux and the other two are near it all the time. Of course they’re crabby.!<