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filmguerilla t1_ixzwi71 wrote

It's a combination of cutting straight to the story and his word choice. Sublime. Another writer who does this is Andre Dubus (senior, not junior). Both of them do real world stories that strike a nerve in just the right way.


Valuable-Elevator511 OP t1_iy0yvyw wrote

I will check them out. If you have any recommendations on which stories to start with let me know. Thanks for that. Sorry about the late reply. I have been checking the comments but I was out and my mind was affixed on carrot cake


filmguerilla t1_iy11e1b wrote

I would start with the "Selected Stories" book by him. You will get the major short stories that get referenced the most. If you like it/his style, his older collections sell for cheap on EBay and there's some gems.


Valuable-Elevator511 OP t1_iy13cx7 wrote

Thank you. I have to read a book about learning to read again (see comment below) but I've got a lot to catch up on so thanks for the recommendations.