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casualroadtrip t1_iyfavao wrote

She will likely stop reading when she comes across something she isn’t ready for.


[deleted] t1_iyfcfhc wrote



casualroadtrip t1_iyfdpp5 wrote

Well that’s you. I read mature stuff at that age too. And honestly I don’t think my parents could have stopped me. I knew a lot more about the internet then they did and most of the stuff I read was from there. I think if they had tried to stop me I would have been more determined to keep reading that stuff. So that would absolutely have backfired on them.

But I’m also from a country and culture that’s rather relaxed around sex. I think we are more worried about violence in movies/books then about some spicy stuff. I can even remember reading stuff for school that had had some serious adult themes in them. I guess we prefer our kids reading about that before they actually have to deal with it in real life.