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violetmemphisblue t1_ivwwg6n wrote

My "official" goal is 100 books for the year. It has happened once. I usually land somewhere in the 70s, which is fine! I don't really do it to be competitive or anything. Its more a mental thing to keep me reading. (I used to have a similar thing where I said I'd watch 50 movies a year. Without that mental goal, I think I've watched maybe 5 this year? It sounds silly, but even when its all in my head, its enough to motivate me!)

Sometimes, I'll give myself mini-challenges. A few years ago, I read the alphabet (books beginning A-Z). Once, I took a look at my massive TBR and decided I'd take a month and read books with Girl in the title. Things like that. I have thought about reading around the world or around the country, but not sure. I've also thought about wokring my way through winning titles of different literature prizes...

I have tried to say I won't read anything new or won't add to my TBR until I get things under control. But its never getting under control, lol. So now I have smaller, more realistic goals, like I will only pack books I own when I go on vacation or I will pick one book off my TBR per month. Things like that. Otherwise I'd never make any headway...