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FuckTerfsAndFascists t1_iryuvyi wrote

You should post this in r/lgbt

I honestly think you'll get a much more nuanced response there than here.

Edit: I say as a member. I meant it like, come talk about it with your peers, you'll get better responses than the random assortment of people who have and haven't read the book on here. Not like go away. Lol. Sorry just realized how this comment might sound.


mongreldogchild t1_irzq0zn wrote

Agreed. The majority of reddit is going to be represented by cis het men (as women are underrepresented as a whole and queer people are a much smaller population) whose opinions on this topic aren't really going to be that helpful or nuanced (as a generality). A conversation is probably going to be very unproductive when a baseline of understanding isn't necessarily going to be there.