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Fro_o t1_itogpe0 wrote

Psycho by Robert Blotch has ''should of'' and ''could of'' a few times.


dizzytinfoil t1_itow6u9 wrote

I wouldn’t have been able to continue at that point. That one irks me more than a mosquito bite.


Fro_o t1_itoxlqj wrote

Yes, it's very bad. English is my second language, I shouldn't be able to spot such mistakes lol


cavyjester t1_itq0pqn wrote

I wonder if “should of” and “could of” might be typos that would stand out even more for someone with English as a second language, since the error has more to do with a lazy mixup of the sound rather than mixup of the meaning? (Not that there’s any excuse for them being in something published.)


Fro_o t1_itq14lj wrote

That may be so, it's the same when people mix up they're/their, your/you're or too/to. At least I haven't seen them in a book (yet) but come on, homophones aren't that hard.


cavyjester t1_iu445fd wrote

I must ruefully admit to being someone whose fingers (without direction from any higher brain function) type a random homonym at every opportunity. I’ll catch them all when I carefully proofread, but, since there aren’t enough hours in a day, my emails generally convey the clear impression that I’m a complete illiterate! :)


earthangeljenna t1_itqiq3g wrote

As an editor, my first question would be whether these are in dialogue. If yes, then it could be intentional, as the author may want the character to say it that way specifically. If it's in the narrative, well... 😬😬😬


Fro_o t1_itsby5o wrote

I remembered I had taken a picture of one of these mistakes somewhere. Just found it, it is indeed in the narration, "must of" in Psycho 2, in the first line of chapter 7 haha.