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bbbbbbbbbs t1_itm3nti wrote

I read on the Kindle and have noticed numerous typos in numerous books. I assumed that these amount of typos were specific to kindle versions but I guess not.


lucia-pacciola t1_itm50lf wrote

I think they're more common in Kindle books that were imported via OCR. Some older fonts and older editions don't always scan well.


Tanagrabelle t1_itmbcar wrote

Oh sweet heaven, OCR problems. I am deeply familiar! Here are a few of my common finds: d=cl h=ln W=|V B=8 m= nn (and vice-versa).


Amzuja t1_ito15wl wrote

The only time I ever saw typos in books was on kindle. When I switched to a different ereader I stopped seeing any, and I never do in paper books. Kindle must have problems with their system, I think


Minion-22 t1_ito233f wrote

That is very interesting. I never thought about it being a kindle or Amazon issue!!


Minion-22 t1_ito8fhr wrote

I read ARC’s for writers, and I send them pages of errors. Pretty sad actually!


ithadtobeducks t1_itmdmtt wrote

With the kindle you can actually report typos. I don’t know if they ever actually do anything with the reports though.


Pumpkin_Flash t1_itneir5 wrote

If they pay me per correction I'll do it. Otherwise I'm not working for free.


WelcomingRapier t1_itmff37 wrote

One of my favorite book series has a typo that I have report through the Kindle app on every re-read. I think 5 total reads over the last 10 years. It has yet to be fixed. You would think they would have some automated fixing system integrated into error reporting for simple text errors. I guess not though.


Drumbikedrum t1_itp7whw wrote

I agree. I love the convenience of using a Kindle but I was surprised but the number of typographical (and unintentional grammatical) errors I see compared to paper books.