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RecklessUnicorn12 t1_itui6a2 wrote

I'm a student of Greek language and literature so I'm very pleased with this thread! Tbh, as a student I've mostly read Modern Greek classics so I hope I'll also find some new reads here. The book I think everyone would enjoy is The Murderess by A. Papadiamantis. The book is similar to Crime and Punishment by Dostoevsky but it's actually about a granny killer. It's an amazing discussion on a patriarchal society in the 19th century where women didn't have any rights. I love to see a great book by a man who writes about these topics, especially when he lived in that period!


ulna_and_radius t1_itv5aus wrote

I studied The Murderess in high school and let me tell you, it's one of the greatest Greek stories out there! There is something so beautiful about this piece of work that captivates me even to this day.


Torin_3 t1_ituoggu wrote

Thanks for chiming in.

> I'm a student of Greek language and literature

That is very cool. Do you mean you're a "Greek major" like someone might be an English major? Or what sort of student are you?


RecklessUnicorn12 t1_ituridu wrote

Yup! I'm from Serbia so the sistem differs a bit, but it's basically that


jaisaiquai t1_itv2rr2 wrote

Is the study focused on language like linguistics, or literature?


RecklessUnicorn12 t1_itv3d1l wrote

Well, it's definitely more focused on language, but the studies are called "Modern Greek languge, literature and history" so we get to study every aspect of Greece.