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arcangel092 t1_itvguvr wrote

Idk I read AFTA and found it to be an unconvincing love story. The woman has no personality and maybe one quality that is admirable. The protagonist is probably more dull and has less to work with. The only interesting thing I took from it was the setting and overall perspective of the war. FWTBT is better and TOMATS is probably his best imo. Both have better characters and better plots.


laconicflow t1_itvmscd wrote

I thought Bell was great, Sea was boring, Farewell felt like a love-story that I enjoyed although I cannot remember exactly why, its been years. I want to read movable feast.


arcangel092 t1_itvp2fu wrote

I’ve got his collection of short stories and read one, but am eager to dive into the rest. So much to read haha not sure when I’ll get to em