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dragongrrrrrl t1_iu22zht wrote

If I am engaged in a book, there’s no “translation process” which I’m kind of thinking may be my version of “your voice in your head that repeats everything”. I don’t have a visual brain so i end up “experiencing” the book more than seeing images or things as I read. Maybe a clip here and there but very brief. But the emotions are what get me. If the book is engaging I end up reading it very fast and I also have a hard time stopping.

If I’m reading something I dislike then I have to physically read all of the words and “translate them” into my brain and I agree that my comprehension is lower.

I think with practice you’ll find your own reading groove and find books that are easier for you personally to read. The more you practice “translating”, the easier it gets. It’s kind of like learning a new language: at first you translate the word into a language you know, but the more fluent you get the less you do that.

Sorry if this was a bit of a ramble lol. Hopefully it makes sense…Good luck!