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kylew1985 t1_itlo83y wrote

It was a bucket list read for me that I finally checked off this year.

It's crazy how many times my jaw would drop, or I'd audibly say "oh shit", or even have to push back a few tears in places, all from a book that's nearly 200 years old. It's an absolute masterpiece in storytelling and how pull off a slow burn. It's a long read, but so worth it, and I really wish I'd picked it up sooner.


SleptLikeANaturalLog t1_itlwbv1 wrote

Slow burn is the perfect description, which I think I’ve heard others use as well.

I too was surprised by the emotions I felt, especially in the descriptions of Valentine and Morrel’s love for one another. I’m somewhat of a cold-hearted bastard when it comes to relationships, and this book definitely helped me start seeing the beauty behind an incredibly robust love and unconditional devotion.


ComicsNBigBooks OP t1_iuc4lt3 wrote

In complete agreement. I found myself tearing up at many moments as well. The slow burn is a big part of the reward of reading the book. :-)