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maryupallnight t1_irp62yw wrote

It really depends upon what decade of Scfi you are talking about.

Early Scifi had the mature; brave leader you are taking about. But they tended to be 1 dementional.

Scifi reflects the period it is written.


geranium27 t1_irp6kv8 wrote


Get yourself into afrofuturism or post colonial sci-fi.

Check out Octavia Butler, Nnedi Okorafor, Nalo Hopkinson, Cixin Liu, Haruki Murakami, to name a few!


solarmelange t1_irp6wak wrote

Maybe try something like The Murderbot Diaries. The protag is socially inept still, but otherwise nothing like you described, being a manufactured cyborg trying to hide the fact that it has overcome the programing restrictions. Zero romance.


Aggressive-Fee228 t1_irp6y0t wrote

Hyperion, Dune, Suneater, The Expanse, Enders Game, Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep, Red Rising. All good Sci-Fi with the main characters not being scientists


Snoo57923 t1_irp78u1 wrote

Have you ever met real scientists? Boring, workaholics, and socially inept is an apt description.


MNDSMTH t1_irp7jtw wrote

Maybe branch out a bit my man. Try "Fahrenheit 451." It's incredible to me how many authors from decades past nailed the shift in society as technology is integrated more and more in our lives.

Maybe you want some hard scifi. (There's a difference)

Scifi is a big umbrella my friend and from what I gather you stuck your toe in a muddy pond and decided you have a problem with the ocean.


ElricAvMelnibone t1_irp7utz wrote

I love weird scifi like Flatland, Dancers at the End of Time, The Culture, the Cenobites in Hellraiser, strange concepts and strange visuals, but that sort of "grey people in grey jumpsuits on a grey ship" scifi usually puts me off... unless it's the first Alien movie

It's not always but I know what you mean lol, if it's not Scientist Guy, it's Soldier Guy who has an authority problem


CrazyCatLady108 t1_irp8b17 wrote

Hi there. Per rule 3.3, please post book recommendation requests in /r/SuggestMeABook or in our Weekly Recommendation Thread. Thank you!


ashiepink t1_irp8d1m wrote

Try some Adrian Tchaikovsky - intelligent arachnid protagonists and other wonderful, nontraditional sci-fi that always leave me feeling like I better understand the world or have something new to think about.

Or, for something happy and slice of life-ish, Becky Chamber's Wayfarer series, or Monk and Robot. Uplifting and hopeful, with none of the things you didn't enjoy.

Also, I second Murderbot. Murderbot is wonderful, and one of the few series I enjoy more as an audiobook if that's your jam.


solarmelange t1_irp8uty wrote

Some others you may like:

{{A Scanner Darkly}} best book about drugs ever.

{{Flowers for Algernon}} the saddest book ever. The protag DOES become attracted to the first member of the opposite sex he knows, but it makes complete sense because he is sheltered to an impossible extent.