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lastchance12 t1_isbnxfj wrote

Can you give an example of something you have been shamed for?

I have been gently ribbed for certain things, like being in a fantasy football league for example, but it generally has felt good natured, thankfully.


RD__III t1_isboi1m wrote

>Can you give an example of something you have been shamed for?

Personally, I go to an IFBB gym, and have gotten multiple comments about it. Not at all because of my behavior, just because I go to a certain gym.

Also, I used to shoot competitively (archery) and still shoot recreationally (archery as well as firearms). the amount of "compensating for something" and "must have a small dick" comments is sort of crazy.

I've certainly got a lot of more light hearted shit I don't really mind about things like the gym, FF as well, video games, etc, but there's definitely a distinct difference.


Dazzling--00 t1_isc6fo7 wrote

Do you think comments about your archery "compensating for something" were enough to make you feel suicidal? Sorry, but is that the extent of it? I can browse this website for 5 minutes and see more toxic comments about women.


pedestrianpinniped t1_isck83r wrote


And it would take me 30 someone saying all men are trash. What is your point it's not a competition. The difference is most of western society is against misogyny but misandry is met with YES queen yesssss preachhh.


Katerade44 t1_isczhk7 wrote

No, mysandry (a much less common aspect of society) is held up as an excuse for MRA to try to put both all genders into narrow boxes of traditional gender norms.


Dazzling--00 t1_ise89ke wrote

I don't see it. The "Yes queen" language you mention is usually on social media - that's not really feminism, just people talking. Social media is pretty toxic in general, sadly.