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COINTELPROfessionals t1_it7rd9t wrote

  • No Country for Old Men (small changes to the movie that actually elevated it by a lot imo).
  • Holes (about the same as the book but they added the rap song which rocks).
  • Many Stanley Kubrick movies including The Shining, Paths of Glory, and Eyes Wide Shut (I haven't read the other books his movies are based on but I assume his movies are better).

Jicama_Stunning t1_it7veps wrote

I think the problem with the Holes movie is that it’s VERY early 2000’s in its presentation which dates it much more than the timeless book.


ComicsNBigBooks t1_itadkba wrote

As someone who is very nostalgic for the movie Holes (my 4th grade class read the book, and then saw the movie together as a class when it came out), I have to agree with this. I still really like the movie, but it is very early 00s in style (even down to having Even Stevens-era Shia LaBeouf as its star).