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semiloki t1_jcax8wp wrote

I guess it depends on what you are looking for.

Tolkien is best appreciated (in my opinion, at least) as art and not just as literature.

The prose may feel dry and it doesn't have a lot of action scenes. So if you are looking for edge of the seat, heart stopping adventure . . . It's probably not going to be there.

But, let's talk about the fact that to make these stories one man (not a team) came up with a language, genealogies, mythologies, and maps to explain how this all fits together.

If you can't look at it in terms of the artistic detail that went into it and appreciate the level of work involved then, no, you are not going to like it. That's like asking what's the big deal about a grandfather clock when it is just a big wooden box with a face when viewed from the outside.

Now, that's not to say you are a shallow or something is wrong with you because you don't like it. Not all media is meant for you and art is not appreciated the same across all groups. Liking paintings more than sculpture is fine. Liking sculptures and paintings and not being wowed by the intricacies of the Antikythera Mechanism is also fine. But if you see someone geeking out over this ancient computer and you say you don't get it, expect a lot of talk about the construction and implications. If that sort of thing bores you, then you aren't going to like digging into it.

Makes sense?