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DLF4L t1_jd3o8uk wrote

Now I don’t know how to help with this problem but I can let you know what I do and maybe that’ll help. For context, I read about 100-400 books a year and almost always have 300-600 books on my tbr list. I am a huge mood reader and for me, my tbr list is just to make sure I have a list of books that could interest me at some point in my life. Now that could be years down the line or a day from now but there’s nothing worse than being in the mood to read a book and you don’t remember the name. Life’s too short to not read what you want in the moment and sometimes the books on my list don’t fit the current vibe. That’s okay. Books are amazing and if you aren’t totally invested in a book it’s okay to put it down, maybe read some synopsis of the rest of the story, and pick up a different one. It’s like there are tons of tv shows and movies but when I’m watching a good one I don’t think about the other good ones I’m missing out on I just focus on this one. You’ll never be able to consume everything but you can make the things you consume fit the person you are in the moment.