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Michaelbirks t1_ja61sb3 wrote

Be aware that there is a lot of content outside of the direct Horus Heresy series.

It covers an amazing breath of the Galaxy of the 41th Millennium beyond just the Legions. Orks, Space Elves, dark space elves, blueberry communists, Military and its Commisars

Ad the Heresy series goes on, the continuity control amongst some of the authors can slip, and we see the same events told repeatedly (A thousand sons and Propero burns, for instance).

Also, in attempting to take itself seriously, it can take itself too seriously at times.


PregnancyRoulette OP t1_ja64ol1 wrote

If I had to explain Warhammer in a pithy phrase I'd say It was 'Space Rome, but Dethklok. Surprisingly good.'


AtLeastThisIsntImgur t1_ja6923b wrote

'Dune but Bolt Thrower' makes more sense


PregnancyRoulette OP t1_ja69maq wrote

Also solid. The hybrid of swords, guns, genosplicing, psykers is really apt.


pelmasaurio t1_ja9ejev wrote

It is not like dune at all, dune's setting is a vehicle for some intelectual heavy lifting, 40k is, as much I have mad love for it, pretty shallow and dumb, ofc it reminds you of dune because is just that, all the dumb things about dune + tolkien stuff thrown in there.

If dune is meat and potatoes, 40k is just the potatoes.

But i will concede you that as far as fanatic legions of super soldiers go, the space marine crusaders leave the freemen yihadists in the dirt.


Jamandi_Aldori t1_jaahid3 wrote

>as far as fanatic legions of super soldiers go, the space marine crusaders leave the freemen yihadists in the dirt.

Maybe in a "Vs battle" sense.

As actual characters, the Fremen are far more interesting, both individual and as a group.

Like you said, 40k is shallow and dumb. I love it (I own both the ebooks and physical copies of the entire Gaunt, Eisonhorn, Heresy series, and a ton of other odds and ends, 100+ books)

But even though I love it, it's also dumb. really dumb. Pro-Wrestling-in-space dumb.