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LaserFlowerRecords t1_j8qhg2h wrote

What are your favorite Vonnegut books? I'm sad... to say... I read in high school, but with some depression that hit in early 20s I kind of lost my will to read. I'm turning 30 in a month... I don't really know how the time flew. I want to get back into it. I loved God Bless You Mr. Rosewater and Slaughterhouse Five. My brain just won't put effort into concentrating on reading anymore. I do other things- read music on the cello. But nothing is like getting into a good book. Any suggestions on good starting places to get anchored again? I don't know if Ligotti is welcoming or friendly to someone who hasn't read in a while...


NotBorris OP t1_j8rknsq wrote

Rosewater is absolutely one of my favorites of Vonnegut, it will always have a special place in my heart. And hey, don't beat yourself over things you have no control over, try to be kind to yourself and allow yourself a moment to breath. I'm not good at getting people to kick those kinds of habits but if you ever want to talk I will respond.

To answer your question, I might suggest Till We Have Faces by C.S. Lewis. It's one of my favorite books of all time, I can't stress enough how much of a good book it is. As well as all things Salinger like Nine Stories.

Please be well.


NotBorris OP t1_j8rl5qc wrote

Also, just listened to some of your new album, congratulations on that. You're really talented. My favorite of the ones I heard was Fresh Start, I hope you're happy with it, you're allowed to be proud of yourself.