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norvianii t1_j9kupcq wrote

Well, yeah, if you're gonna make a post bragging about something, trying to tell people "oh no, this isn't a brag" at the beginning isn't really gonna do much.


ForLark t1_j9koi3l wrote

Agreed. I really don’t understand why so many people get accused of humble brags when this is anonymous.


KiwiTheKitty t1_j9ksjrs wrote

People can still enjoy having their ego stroked anonymously haha


glittersparklythings t1_j9lfgz2 wrote

Exactly. ESP the people who fill the need for internet validation


IDontEvenCareBear t1_j9lk0ho wrote

Right? So often people take it to somewhere like Reddit so they can just focus on the numbers in agreement and support.

My favourite thing to remind people, “ just because you have a lot in support, doesn’t mean you’re right or justified.”

The amount of people who say, “yeah okay!’ How can I be wrong if people agree with me?!”