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anachroneironaut t1_j9ezrdu wrote

There is a lot of interesting research and experience about how positive thinking and holistic views and also some treatments influence disease progress and prognosis. It can work well together with traditional/conventional medicine. Or by all means, solely in some cases. But it needs to be an informed decision not influenced by the profit hunger of someone else.

I think following the money can be very elucidating. Cui bono? Just like personal finance books written by people who only got rich writing personal finance books. Adding cancer to it just makes it even more heartbreaking.


leafshaker t1_j9f2jpc wrote

Absolutely! It's a shame that so many boosters for alternative medicine pair it with distrust of conventional medicine. They are often preying on people's bad experiences with the medical industry, and neglect to mention that some of these alternatives are also billion dollar industries!

In the theme of this thread, all those books written in bad faith would be my nomination, though it's impossible to screen for that.


anachroneironaut t1_j9f7yzc wrote

Despite some bad experiences, many people I encounter seem to reason like you and I. This is very good, I think.

“In bad faith” was a good and succinct collective descriptor for books I think deserve to be burnt (though as you conclude, impossible to screen for). I know the expression well, though I did not think of it (English as second language).