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Velghast t1_j6d9nka wrote

You have to get the home inspected first before they will turn gas back onto the home. Once you have a green light BG&e will turn it back on. That includes their metering equipment. They're not going to turn your gas back on until they know it's safe to do so.


mjccjm77 OP t1_j6da4hs wrote

Totally get that, but I can't get them to even inspect. They have only asked for photos that the area is cleaned out (it is) and then crickets from BGE. Or do you mean the city needs to inspect?


Anxious-Situation797 t1_j6dbhsr wrote

When I moved into my current (rental) it took a while to get BGE to switch the billing over. Apparently in their system the house had needed inspection, somehow they thought it burned down. Just had to keep calling until I got to someone who understood the situation.


Velghast t1_j6e3ykn wrote

Yup. This right here, keep badgering them and they will have some one out within the week


Strategery_Man t1_j6e99ef wrote

The home needs to be inspected by an independent/licensed inspector or tradesman. When I flipped a home, BGE wanted a licensed electrician to sign off on the work and provide their license number and any permits pulled. Then, BGE will come out and check the work. The work needs to be inspected by BGE before they will let the juice flow.