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Trailmagic OP t1_j6fqzgp wrote

Federal case? Elaborate please.

Baltimore City housing authority and/or Code Enforcement for the city or state is my first stop. Well, second actually. My first stop is gathering enough information to demand that I break my lease plenty-free with a 30 day notice, plus reduced rent + subsidized utilities moving forward, plus reimbursement for the rent I paid + utilities for a habitable dwelling which they failed to deliver. Plus moving costs.

That’s what I want. I am willing to negotiate so I am not being shy about what I think I’m owed, and am prepared to compromise on the last two.

I want to make an unassailable and informed demand that cues them in to the fact that I will call the city and possibly sue them in civil court for breach of contract after code enforcement finds that this place doesn’t meet minimum requirements for habitability… which will result in the unit being un-rentable until the necessary (and very expensive) renovations to meet code and get the city off their back - all the while, losing income since they can’t rent it out. If my heater is the only violation the city finds, I’d be surprised.

The implication is that it’s cheaper to pay me to go away quietly than deal with this, and I want to make a carefully written and well researched demand so they realize I the implication of my plan B if they don’t immediately settle could be very bad for them.

I will survive here and let the city do their investigation and make a civil case if I have to. But you are out of your mind if you think I will pay penalties to break a lease they already broke by giving me an apartment I have had to leave because even with the heater on, it’s too cold to live in.

Is your suggestion that I sacrifice my security deposit and eat the costs to move as well as $750 a month to keep it at 60F here until I find a new place?


Unfair-Rip9168 t1_j6jtzvl wrote

TLDR, just move out. No reason you can’t get your security deposit back. Not saying to pay for something that isn’t worth it. I’m saying that you get what you pay for. If you want a better place then move out.


Trailmagic OP t1_j6ko0br wrote

Leases have penalties if you break them without cause.


Unfair-Rip9168 t1_j6kxnno wrote

Yea but you have a cause since the place is freezing cold. Just get out. That’s what I would do. Do what you want but I think easiest thing to do is move. Good luck


Trailmagic OP t1_j6l40nj wrote

They have my money, and a signed contract that they get to keep it if I just leave abruptly. I need to prove the just cause and/or convince them. That’s the whole point of this post. Finding resources and information to make that happen, and more if possible. If you ask a LL to leave mid-lease and have your security deposit back they will say no unless you have a good reason and the knowledge to make it very convincing. I also think I am owed more than that but don’t feel like explaining why a third time.