Submitted by Plastic_Awareness_96 t3_10mv3rd in baltimore

Hi I'm looking for a psychiatrist in Baltimore that will prescribe ADHD and anxiety medications. I have tried other drugs and to no avail. I know what works best for me. If anyone can recommend someone that would be great every doctor I've seen won't prescribe anything as they are all scared of the government regulation and backlash of the media. I have taken these meds for years but since my doctor retired a few years ago it's been a struggle. PM or post thanks



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pathofwrath t1_j65fe0w wrote

Dr. Collins at Balance Point Wellness. He's strictly doing telemedicine. Been seeing him for over a year now for ADHD.


trickery809 t1_j65mkvt wrote

“Backlash of the media”? Huh? Yes, some providers are hesitant to prescribe stimulants as they can be abused. If you’re walking in to the consultation and demanding prescriptions, might be more of a you problem. Otherwise I second Balance Point.


planetarylaw t1_j66m3ck wrote

I mean OP says they're asking for the same meds they've already been taking for years. What's the issue. If it were any other med without the stigma it would be a non-issue.


tastywiings t1_j65fb9z wrote

I use a NP at Chase Brexton to get my ADHD meds prescribed, no psychiatrist needed. I use Dr. Noar and she's good enough.


sunnyoutlook1 t1_j65pvsi wrote

My partner used to get prescribed adhd meds and it was a huge help. All online.


Douseigh t1_j6ib6is wrote

These things are destroying it for those with legit needs


zta1979 t1_j69uot2 wrote

If your referring to benzos for anxiety, it is now common that psychiatrists practice not prescribing them due to their highly addictive nature. There are documented cases of people trying to get off taking them after years of taking them and have major problems and residual effects after withdrawing. They may only prescribe benzos in severe cases.


crusader86 t1_j6ag4u8 wrote

There was a documentary on Netflix about that… the withdrawals from long term use looked excruciating.


zta1979 t1_j6agh0u wrote

Yes my brother was a victim of it.


dickpickdan t1_j68i8t9 wrote

Couple of questions for you:

  • Does your insurance offer telehealth?
  • was it your psychiatrist who retired?
  • do you have access to your medical records?
  • do you have a pcp? You should talk to your PCP about this if you have one. It will help if you have your old medical records, but shouldn’t be necessary. If they are unwilling to write the script themselves, They should be able to give you a referral, if you describe how you feel, and what you used to do for treatment. If you have telehealth benefits though your insurer, see if you can meet with a psychiatrist virtually. They might be able to help. If they diagnose you (again), they might not be willing to write a script, but they should be willing to recommend that your PCP wrote a script. You will have to see whomever writes the script at least every three months.

zta1979 t1_j69uutl wrote

The other thing is when it comes to psychiatric meds, I would only consult with a psychiatrist as you probably know because it is their specialty.


dnxjskxn111 t1_j6eefal wrote

Are you sensitive to coffee? If so try getting off it first. I got off it last year. Went from chest pain anxiety attacks to it basically disappearing.


Douseigh t1_j6ib2z3 wrote

Try to to go to a NP and ask for continuation bring your records