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ElectricStar87 t1_j6nk615 wrote

Yeah I agree — we’re built to support a close to necessary density, but we need hundreds of thousands more people to approach what’s likely needed. It unfortunately becomes a chicken/egg problem with density and infrastructure investment. It’s not an easy problem to solve, sadly.


pathofwrath t1_j6nvyet wrote

We need infra for the people who are already here. New and updated infra is important to help draw more people in too. But infra alone doesn't do it. Has to be paired with decent policy. People have to see and believe that the city and state are actually addressing infra here. A bike master plan, for example, doesn't mean much if you don't have a good track record of installing, maintaining, and enforcing the bike facilities.

For the sake of completeness, crime is also an issue that creates challenges to increasing density.