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moderndukes t1_j10chdh wrote

> I'm trying to get my mom more involved in socialist events, community spaces, or organizing efforts.

> as a new and learning socialist

So is she one or are you trying to make her one? Because that will change the sorts of locations you’ll get recommended (and possibly the tone of the responses)


fiorelloyellow OP t1_j10mv81 wrote

Spaces for her


moderndukes t1_j11dhke wrote

I’m sorry but you didn’t answer my question


fiorelloyellow OP t1_j12c9ww wrote

No, my bad! I was multitasking at work and misread your question. She's sympathetic to a lot of socialist ideas but doesn't explicitly ID as socialist. So, I'd say a mix of spaces that are educational and spaces that are just for people who are already socialists would be great