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youwantmybiscuits t1_j1uehbi wrote

yea man.. someone suggested i try barcs but i am not baltimore based.. guess i will try my counties animal control again.. all i can do is keep trying i guess.


youwantmybiscuits t1_j1usuvf wrote

thanks for the link. i will look into it. i am avoiding the police route because if i do that there is going to be some blowback and with two senior parents at home and working nights i can't risk the dog owners starting something. i assume i wont be anonymous if i go the police route so i am weighing my options.

while i want to try whatever safe methods i can to try and help the dog out i also am not looking to get jammed up trying to save it's life. i know that's a shitty thing to say but i'm just being honest about it.


RandomWeirdoGuy t1_j1uu1gb wrote

Yeah... unfortunately you are right. The police would find a way to make this go as badly as possible. I wouldn't trust them either. Isn't that fucking sad?


youwantmybiscuits t1_j1uv7qo wrote

that's my #1 fear in regards to this situation.


TerranceBaggz t1_j1xrs3a wrote

Could you “liberate” the dog yourself?


youwantmybiscuits t1_j1ym80i wrote

i could but that would probably put me in some legal jam and constitute stealing. i'll just keep calling animal control till they get annoyed and do something about it. not getting my hopes up though.

if you see human being treating their pet like that it tells you a lot about what kind of person they are so if i try to "liberate" their dog and get caught i am only inviting all kinds of legal and physical problems on myself. best to just continue to pursue legal options to try and help the dog out.

i'm not giving up on that dog. that much i know.


MightaHadALittleFun t1_j1utwy0 wrote

I believe you can remain anonymous if you call 911.


youwantmybiscuits t1_j1uug0a wrote

hmmm ok.. i think they have him inside today.. i have not seen him since coming home this morning from work but i will keep an eye on it.. i was looking into my counties rules as far as documenting to make a stronger case.. i already have one short video of the dog jumping up and down outside the back door into the backyard.. maybe it may make the case for them to take action better if i send some videos or something.

but like i said i'm not gonna give up and do what i can to a safe extent of trying to help the pup out. thanks for the link again.