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[deleted] t1_j0ea9zu wrote

As someone who has run a non-profit, you have incorrectly identified the issue. Many community based non-profits or agencies lack the funding and resources to structure their own paid programming, let alone volunteer programming. It takes people and time and energy to respond to people and coordinate volunteer programs. It’s the opposite of not needing help.


ikimashyoo OP t1_j0ecmkk wrote why when i offer to volunteer, the guy said no? if i truly needed help and had zero funding and help, i would at least reply and be like 'lets set up time to discuss'. i guess they are working 80hr weeks and doing 10 peoples jobs, so cant afford another 20 min to sign up a volunteer. To your point, for those who didnt respond, ok your case stands. but for the guy to take time to email me back and be deny me....but whatever. point taken. thanks for your input


[deleted] t1_j0eitva wrote

I have been denied volunteerships as well! I’ve also had to deny volunteers after they’ve applied to non-profits I’ve ran. Training someone requires bodies and labor. The more volunteers the more capacity you need to train them. It sounds like you don’t know a lot about non-profits or training?


ikimashyoo OP t1_j0ejuap wrote

lol i gave you a upvote. no worries i wont dwell on the subject
