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TheDukeofArgyll t1_izekux0 wrote

We finally got a fake one last year, there seems to be next to no benefit to a real one anymore.


jabbadarth t1_izeps96 wrote

I always did real until I had kids. Now it's pre lit fake all the way.


TheDukeofArgyll t1_izeqzvw wrote

When we got our house and started a family I wanted to do a real tree every year, but each year the trees got smaller and more expensive. Salesmen last year apologized for the dinky trees and price but explained the logistics in getting trees from Canada, which was enlightening. It was hard to justify supporting the practice anymore. Fake trees are plastic and wasteful too, but if we use the same one for the rest of our lives, it has to be a net positive… I hope.


jabbadarth t1_izeu5zf wrote

I'm hoping to go back to real when the kids are older but we will see.

Fwiw if you get a local real tree it's not a bad thing for the environment since tree farms are constantly replanting. It's close to a net zero endeavor in terms of the environment and if done right can be a net positive with proper rotation and soil management.

Getting ones shipped from Canada isn't great jist because of the shipping but still likely better than shipping a plastic tree from China.


TheDukeofArgyll t1_izez0v7 wrote

I would have to be better than a plastic tree from china 20x over, which honestly it still could be.


DONNIENARC0 t1_izf7m6o wrote

There's a farm up in Jarrettsville about 30 minutes north of the city that puts on a pretty good production if you have any interest.

They have a tractor pulled hayride you can ride out from the parking area to where the actual trees are, then a little stand where they sell food and hot chocolate and stuff, and I'm pretty sure they have a Santa there and some activities for kids, too.

I'm pretty sure a bit of the proceeds go towards the local sports teams for the kids and things of that nature, too.

The whole "family activity" angle makes it alot easier to justify the cost IMO.