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RoxxorMcOwnage t1_j0haoq1 wrote

Non-slip shoes for slick, wet, icy running surfaces. Layers for the torso, hat, and gloves.


BeyondRecovery1 OP t1_j0hcgtx wrote

Difference between hat and ear covers?


Longey13 t1_j0hfkdi wrote

Earmuffs as opposed to a full hat. My head gets really sweaty with a hat but my ears get cold without one, so I wear 180's.


lasthorizon25 t1_j0hgoik wrote

Those earmuffs that are wraparound with Velcro so you can make em a little looser around your head are perfect for putting around headphones so they don't smash them into your ears. I usually get a pair from the dollar store.


BeyondRecovery1 OP t1_j0hckrb wrote

Do you run many times a week and if so what areas? I was thinking of just around the neighborhood?


rastanyan t1_j0hkzet wrote

There are usually lots of runners around the harbor early in the morning


DONNIENARC0 t1_j0hz4e4 wrote

Patterson Park and the promenade around the harbor are both very popular


BeyondRecovery1 OP t1_j0hzbi4 wrote

Where to park for that


DONNIENARC0 t1_j0hzfpz wrote

Patterson park you could just park on the street anywhere around it, there's probably plenty of spaces.

I'm not sure about the Harbor, I just run there from my house. Adds probably ~7 minutes and serves as a nice cooldown on the way back.


BeyondRecovery1 OP t1_j19vdne wrote

Are there multiple harbours? I know the downtown one is closest to me


neutronicus t1_j0j3clh wrote

I definitely started out just running in my neighborhood

Use your judgment, try and get a sense of which side streets are nice to run on, and build short loops to get started.

From there if you want longer routes you can build them out of whichever bike lanes or trails are close enough to be a leg on your loop. But I wouldn’t drive anywhere to run, starting and ending at your door is the whole appeal. And practically speaking don’t put a drive between the end of your run and pooping


BeyondRecovery1 OP t1_j19v3sk wrote

Hahaha lol, I try to poop as I wake up, v Coffee does it but it I sit down to sip coffee I might not ever get up lol. Trying to figure this whole thing out because mornings are also best for studying for me so if I wake up around 430 and want to study first then maybe go for a run around 9. So many options

But then feel like doing a sunrise run too… sigh