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Redditanother t1_j1ay1tg wrote

Report the username, location, time. Don’t exploit it for karma when people are getting kidnapped.


bmore t1_j1bi7q9 wrote

Call BPD and tell them someone in a ski mask called an Uber, pointed at it, and whispered, reporting the username, time, and location, and tell me how that goes for you.


Redditanother t1_j1d2vhe wrote

If you ever stop and wonder why the city is like its is. Just know your apathy plays a role. You idiots could be talking about some kidnapper.


bmore t1_j1dlmje wrote

I literally witnessed someone forcing another person into a car screaming for help and approached an officer across the street who told me he was busy getting coffee. But you think they'd do something with this vague info. You're deeply naive.