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rmphys t1_it4imrg wrote

Princeton upped their grad school pay to 48k/yr (one of the highest in academia and arguably liveable). Princeton is much better on your resume for most fields (basically anything except medicine). This is no longer an excuse.


S-Kunst t1_it4jthv wrote

Its sad people are lining up to get fleeced in order to get a sheep skin.


rmphys t1_it4kyne wrote

Ehhh, it sucks and I regret grad school. But don't waste too much time feeling bad for them. Realistically I know I still have better opportunities after graduation than the vast majority of the population could dream of. In the end its really a privleged problem to have; still should be solved, but isn't the top of my list of priorities.


iamculby t1_it89od9 wrote

Just wanted to say I appreciate both the pun and the sentiment.