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Karmachanix OP t1_itgetog wrote

If the city was being run well prior to him taking office, making no changes would probably be a good thing. Unfortunately, we had the riots, the disastrous Healthy Holly/Jack Young era, the ransomware attack, and then COVID (he took office in December 2020). Baltimore needed someone with great management skills, vision, and a sense of urgency. Instead, we got Mayor Lackadaisical, and he created the city administrator position so he didn't have to be bothered with managing anything. We needed something a lot more than just not-being-a-thief.


Quiet_Meaning5874 t1_itggoww wrote

I agree with alla that

At least he hasn’t been indicted tho (yet)

And expansion of govt is almost always a negative, unfortunately


Expendable_Red_Shirt t1_itgjkel wrote

I’m at a point with this city where not being corrupt would just be a cherry on top.

I need someone to fix the crime and poverty and education issue (it’s all one thing to me). If you can do that fuck it. Be corrupt. You earned it.


PutVegetable8415 t1_iti6atz wrote

> I need someone to fix the crime and poverty and education issue

Looks like you're looking for Jen Triphukayshun