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gothaggis t1_itwaug6 wrote

they have never had good pizza. no idea why people seem to think its good


YoYoMoMa t1_itwhspk wrote

There was a time, many moons ago, when BOP was some of the best pizza in the city.

Thank the gods we have moved far past those dark days.


noahsense t1_itx1ssa wrote

I remember loving it like 20 years ago. Has it gotten worst or did I just have no sense back then?


MD_Weedman t1_itxp9np wrote

I always loved BOP pizza because my whole crew would always be super duper wasted by the time we ended up there. I have great memories of their pizza.


noahsense t1_itzooi7 wrote

I always went to BOP after visiting The Sound Garden and Karmic Connection, before I lived in Bmore. I’m not sure which of those that I’m more surprised is still open.


MunderDifflin420 t1_itx7yb5 wrote

While I wouldn’t say Baltimore has awesome pizza options, there are plenty much better than BOP.


myhatwhatapicnic t1_itytvc8 wrote

Please help me. I've been looking for great pizza for so long.


ivegoneblinkingmad t1_itzdsf7 wrote

If you're lazy like me and don't want to go searching, I'll give you a few of my faves.
Paulie Gee's
Tutti Gusti
Joe Squared
Homeslyce (not my personal fave but it is popular)
Johnny Rads
Pub Dog (pizza isn't anything to write home about but they brew their own beer and its a fun experience overall)


noahsense t1_itzpemt wrote

I’ll add that Verde is excellent but only if you eat it there. It must be eaten within 5 minutes of coming out of the oven or it goes from incredible to garbage.

And Paulie Gee’s deck oven pizza is better than their brick oven pizza. Unpopular opinion? Maybe.

Hersh’s in Riverside/Fed Hill great but pricey.

I don’t recognize Underground as Pizza but some people do. It’s good but it’s definitely more of a saucy focaccia.


StinkRod t1_iu08w9r wrote

>And Paulie Gee’s deck oven pizza is better than their brick oven pizza.


I'll eat their brick oven if I'm sitting back in the bar, but the deck pizza is a winner.


myhatwhatapicnic t1_itzyqi4 wrote

The person I asked seemed to be versed in Baltimore pizza. Call that part of the search. 😀 Johnny Rads has been a fav since 2011. I'm glad to hear they're still at it. I need to get over that way again.


m_wriston t1_itzp129 wrote

In no particular order:

  • Zella’s (Hollins Market)
  • Paulie Gee’s (Hampden)
  • Angeli’s (Little Italy)
  • Homeslyce (They deliver pizza and beer!)
  • Ribaldi’s (Hampden)
  • JBGB (Remington)

Mikel32 t1_iu0cnar wrote

Zella’s 🙌 Also, the meatballs are fucking fire.


groovevault22 t1_itz9jud wrote

There are several threads in this sub where people list a lot of good spots. I'm probably less experienced than most of the regular contributors here when it comes to pizza but my recent favorites have been Angeli's, Isabella's, and Tutti Gusti.


YggdrasilsLeaf t1_iu1lzw9 wrote

It used to be amazing. Back in the late 90s/early 2000s I lived on Bond street 4 doors down from what used to be Fletchers, right down from HS bakery with BOP just around the corner and the smells…..

My god it’s a miracle I didn’t gorge myself to death on baked dough products during that time. 24 hours a day.

Anyway i basically lived on BOP pizza because it meant I didn’t have to cook after a 14 hour shift at Hard Rock Cafe. It was cheap and it was AMAZEBALLS. Like 5 bucks a cheese pie cheap.

Maybe that price was because I lived in Fells and bought from them like every other day? The fancier pizza offerings were considerably more expensive at 10-12 bucks a pop. Whatever the case when I finally moved out of the city I didn’t hit up BOP for a few years. Last time I went? I wanna say it was around 2013-2014? I think?

SUPREMELY disappointed. The prices hadn’t changed too much a bit higher obviously, but the pizza? Was inedible. Just a basic cheese pie and somehow they managed to mess it up worse than a teenager tripping balls working at a Little Caesers.

The dough was undercooked to the point of being mushy. The sauce was hyper sweet and there was too much of it. The cheese was rank and there was too little of it. I just assumed they got bought out by whomever like every other decent pizza place in Baltimore that now sucks.

So I never went back. You can get an excellent slice right up Thames street (same side of the street as BOP) at this little hole in the wall place. I forget the name of the place atm but it’s that tiny pizza/sub shop right on a Thames above Aliceanna st but before Eastern ave.

Crispy base, fantastic fluffy edge crust, sauce is perfection and the cheese is abundant. And it it’s CHEAP. All that being said?

If you can stomach haggis? BOP pizza should be a breeze for you!


puptrait t1_itzxueg wrote

I don't know when it changed, but the mouthfeel now is completely different from what it was back in the late 90's.

BoPs pizza used to have what looked like course cornstarch on the bottom that gave it a crunchy, almost gritty texture. Without it the doughiness of the crust is more pronounced.

They also used to have hot sauce at the tables, which went a long way towards softening the sweetness of their sauce.


uselessdemographic t1_itw4n51 wrote

Their website expired a few days ago. Something is fishy.


NationalMyth t1_itxyoqi wrote

Yeah it's definitely sketchy, the prices on other online ordering services don't match at all with the BOP website


cdbloosh t1_itw99wr wrote

They were always very expensive even when I was regularly going out in Fells 10+ years ago. Not this expensive, but it was like $30 back in 2011 if you got a few decent toppings. I'm sure it's the fact that they've always been expensive as shit, combined with inflation, combined with desperation, I guess?

Never quite understood why that place was popular.

EDIT: Holy shit a large meat lovers is $70 and 8 buffalo wings are $30


trymypi t1_itw603y wrote

Have you tried calling, maybe they got hacked or something. I've never ordered from there but a $30 personal cheese pizza seems pretty over the top.


boardatwork18 t1_itw8wkt wrote

Seems to be the "correct" pricing judging from Yelp reviews that stated the $8 they paid for a slice was not worth it


DfcukinLite t1_itw6ole wrote

They’re selling the building and trying to get the F out it seems.


Aol_awaymessage t1_itx61m1 wrote

Shameless shout out to Franks on Belair Rd for being my favorite place and damn close if not better to the pizza I used to eat on Long Island growing up.


dankdude410 t1_itxk4ey wrote

Seconding this. Recommend the sausage pizza, super thin sliced Italian sausage, can’t go wrong


TylerFL OP t1_itxaygo wrote

Ok, thank you for this recommendation. I'm from NYC and even though it wasn't amazing BOP was the closest I've gotten to NY pizza here


Jaded_Guarantee_2513 t1_itxen5c wrote

Try Pizza Di Joey in Cross St Market


TylerFL OP t1_itxghhr wrote

Is that any good? All of the recent reviews looked bad and the photos made it all seem undercooked.


dwshorowitz t1_itxvvxj wrote

It’s worth it, especially their buffalo chicken. This is coming from a New York pizza snob.


Aol_awaymessage t1_itxko2l wrote

Franks is not wood oven pizza, I’d call it NYC suburb/ outer borough style pizza. (Thin but not too thin, the right cheese and right sauce) Which is my favorite.


porpoisepuke t1_itwot8n wrote

Maybe they’re trying to compete with Underground Pizza Co?


smallteam t1_itwptos wrote

> Underground

I'm told their really good, and it looks great, but still haven't been able to bring myself to buy a half pie for what, like $25+?


TheCaptainDamnIt t1_itwqxuq wrote

Hadn't had them recommended yet and decided to check it out, looks like half pies are around $14-$16. Does look really good though!


moderndukes t1_itx34l8 wrote

It’s super good Detroit pizza, but the prices are just ridiculous and are the tourist tax from their location


todareistobmore t1_itxu9ym wrote

Underground's prices aren't even that ridiculous? I'd be surprised if I could make a full size Detroit pepperoni pie for less than $10, assuming commercial ingredient prices.


moderndukes t1_itybn8r wrote

Maybe you're buying some super expensive pepperoni (idk, I'm vegetarian so I've never bought it in my life), but the unit cost for flour, salt, water, oil, cheese, and marinara sauce are pretty damn inexpensive.

I just think $22 for their full cheese or $28 for full pepperoni, along with sides >$10, seems a bit expensive but not super surprising given their being in Power Plant Live (as in, just like BOP's pricing - tourist & drunks inflation). It sucks because I love UPC's pizza.


todareistobmore t1_iu0077u wrote

Well, chances are they're not in PPL bc tourists, but rather bc there was an already built out pizza kitchen?

And cheese isn't that cheap. Mostly just saying that there's a clearer economic case to be made for a $22 cheese pizza than a $70 whatever it was quoted elsewhere in this thread. No idea what's up with BOP, but the real pizza absence in Fells is Italian Graffiti (especially under first owners). Shoutout to Little Italy on Broadway for the free peel when they were shutting down, though.


DeezusNubes t1_ity9kab wrote

their pizzas are really good and quite filling. the only downside is the price really & maybe the location


cdbloosh t1_itzrvts wrote

I had the same thought but ended up finally trying it a few weeks ago after taking our kid to Port Discovery when we were right there. It actually is pretty good and the half pie, while it has kind of a small footprint, is very filling. I'm someone who can eat a ton of pizza and I was good after 2 of the 4 slices.

The pricing really isn't that bad now that I've tried it. Compared to like $18 that most places are charging these days for a 10" thinner crust pizza that I'd finish in one sitting, $25 for good Detroit pizza where I'll have a slice or two leftover really isn't too bad.

The probably is the location is horribly inconvenient to pick up from and if you have it delivered through one of the apps you're paying more like $40. So I probably won't be getting it again for quite a while but not because I didn't enjoy it.


smallteam t1_itzt6a9 wrote

All these replies to my comment above really have me craving at least 1/2 of a UPC pizza now. Plain cheese to contain costs... and well, considering I really love pesto pizza too, I may have to try that too. I guess y'all can consider me convinced to at least try it.


Dafunkspot t1_itx443s wrote

Late 90’s….standing outside BOP eating a slice ~12am….see a horde of cockroaches gyrating in unison by my feet…haven’t been back since.


designbyblake t1_itxep9a wrote

My buddy is an exterminator and he told me “NEVER eat there”.


hammeringhome t1_itxy7e1 wrote

Hot Tomatoes was the joint back in the day. BOP is inedible and I’m not picky.


cdbloosh t1_itzsqna wrote

Looks like u/Boppizza_800_ came in here with a bunch of comments defending their bad food and ridiculous pricing, then thought better of it and deleted them all. Pretty similar approach to what the new owner seems to be taking on Yelp (arguing with people and acting like their prices are appropriate). Guessing they won't be around much longer. Good riddance.


TylerFL OP t1_iu0cy5w wrote

Oh WOW, it looks like the guy made the account just to argue with people in response to this post


trout66 t1_itwb7wo wrote

Yeah I stopped in a few weeks ago and left because a slice of cheese was $6 before tax


J_Logan_Cigars1914 t1_itz1t6n wrote

This is NOT the same BOP from 16+ years ago. I asked the people working in there and they told me the original owners SOLD THE SHOP a few years back. THE FOOD NOW IS HORRIBLE. They USE TO HAVE the BEST slice in downtown Baltimore, now it's TRASH


justlikeyou14 t1_itwg9vg wrote

Insanity. I remember going there 15+ years ago. It was a treat, but even expensive then!

I'll pass. And yes, the website is down. Doesn't bode well.


Nacho105 t1_itxjavo wrote

I'd rather eat a Red Baron pizza from Safeway


trigatch4 t1_itylbii wrote

The business is for sale. That being said, not sure why they are actively tanking which would also impact bids.


rfg217phs t1_itzo3mw wrote

Place always looks sketchy as hell and Eastpoint is a zombie mall but Roma Delight out there is still so goddamned good.


Mikel32 t1_iu0cbz4 wrote

Baltimore has a lot of trash pizza. And this is definitely very close to the top of the list.


Sir_Moneybagzzz t1_itwl4jo wrote

Never heard of this place. guess I'm not bourgeoise enough.

I say let them charge the drunk yuppies whatever they want. Smart business if you ask me.


jesus_chen t1_itwutcz wrote

BOP isn’t yuppie stuff and has been in Fells Point for at least 25 years. It’s not great and certainly not worth what they are charging but it’s not bougie by any stretch.